a Canga-Loeffert quartet
discovering Paris on the #64 Bus route, children in arms
lunchtime across from Notre Dame, Mateo going bonkers
Vivian's Story Hour with Mateo, one of the weekend's most precious moments
Goodbye Loefferts, goodbye Paris
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Paris, continued
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Parisian Thanksgiving
We have many many blessings to be thankful for this year, one of which was the opportunity to finally meet our beautiful godson and spend this lovely holiday with our wonderful friends, and in Paris, no less! Happy chaos abounded in the bohemian apartment we shared for the weekend and while exploring one of the most elegant cities in the world, and both of our families went back to homes that suddenly felt too empty. with our godson, Seth, and his big sister, Vivian
wrapping up one of our many warm meals in the apartment
a Bolivian (not Swiss) hat under a French tower
our morning in the Pere Lachaise cemetery
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A new friend, and just my size!
Mateo has just discovered that he loves looking in the mirror. It is our new favorite form of mutual entertainment. I also consider it our first "play date" of sorts, as Mateo is obviously under the impression that we have come upon another little boy just like him and equally excited to flash a smile from the end of the hallway. The routine goes something like this: We look in the mirror, I say "Mateo, who is that?," Mateo smiles somewhat tentatively as if waiting to see if the other little boy is going to smile back, the "other" little boy does indeed smile back--and I'll be darned if it's not in the very same measure as Mateo's smile-- and then Mateo breaks into an enormous grin, often squealing to consummate the friendship, and I cannot help but laugh with delight every time.
I tried to catch part of this routine with a camera in the mirror, but Mateo is too keenly aware of anything in my hands. I did get this shot of the curious little cherubic one, though.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Happy Feast of Saint Martin!
We annually celebrate the feast day of San Martín de Tours in this household, as San Martín is the patron saint of Moreda, the hometown of Bernardo's grandparents and mother. It is a day of feasting on Asturian fabada (a delicious stew of enormous white kidney beans with pork, sausage and bacon) and panchón (a dessert made of bread crumb, butter and sugar, oh my!) while the town of Moreda, a few kilometers away from here, hosts elaborate parades of people of all ages dancing in traditional Asturian dress. Bernardo made the fabada, our grandfather made the panchón, and we all danced in spirit.
Abuelito preparing the panchón.
Our delightful view during the meal.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
around 9pm in Mieres
This is the typical scene upon Daddy's arrival home from work each evening. If M's smile were any bigger, it wouldn't fit on his face.
Mario says that Mateo closes his eyes when he laughs in the very same way that Bernardo's mother did. I love that Mateo brings pieces of his Grandmother Mercedes back into this home, and I know that I am not alone in this feeling.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sitting Up
Mateo holding court in the Bumbo chair, our newest temporary solution for his constant desire to be upright.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Living in PJs
Papá says that Mama obsessively dresses Mateo in pajamas. I feel completely vindicated in light of images such as this:
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Manitowoc style
Thanks for the sweater, Aunt Katie! The size on the tag says "12 months" but Mateo just thought that he would go ahead and grow into it 9 months early. 'Attaboy! It is like giving him a big hug from you everytime we put it on. And while the matching hat didn't make it to the photo, he falls asleep in it every night. (It is getting chilly here in Asturias.)(His pose suggests that Mateo views this as his "thinking sweater.")
Saturday, November 1, 2008
You know that you are living in a house with older men when, during the course of one week, the following objects are found resting on the baby's polka-dotted, concave diaper changing pad:
1. Britta water dispenser (full)
2. T.V. remote control
3. Monthly bank statements
4. Plate of olives (?!)
The only thing missing is someone with whom to laugh about it in person.