Monday, December 22, 2008

5 months old, will travel

It is hard for us to believe that our little guy is already 5 months old.  Life with him just gets better and better.  He is constantly smiling and has just discovered a high-pitched "chirp" that he uses when he is most gleeful.  He is happiest when he is standing and requires less and less of our assistance doing so, mostly just relying on us for getting him up and maintaining his balance now.  He has discovered how to grab things and bring them (everything, that is) into his mouth--you know where he has been by the presence of his saliva.   He remains a great eater and sleeper and, most importantly, brings so much joy into this home.

And so, with Christmas upon us and this little red elf in tow, over the Atlantic and through the Virginian woods, to Grandmother's house we go! 


newblwer said...

Yay for more pictures! There are those of us (all over the world) who await new pictures of your adorable little man with bated breath. Thank you for the new posts.

Safe travels and Happy New Year.