June marked the beginning of 2 months of separation for Bernardo, Mateo and me. This would have been devastating, rather than merely heartbreaking, had it not been for the extremely generous grandparents who offered their home, time and fullest energy to take care of Mateo in Virginia for the summer while B finished his teaching and Masters program in Spain and I did a month of pediatric hematology/oncology and a sub-internship in the neonatal intensive care unit in New York. It was impossible to feel devastated once we saw what a wonderful time Mateo was having at "summer camp" with his grandparents, as much as we ourselves missed him and each other. I also had the good fortune of being able to return to Virginia almost every weekend to spend 2 days with the little one each week.

M helped me unpack, inspecting each item thoroughly.

Newly arrived, back in Grandma's arms for the summer

Stopping for a friendly visit on the way into mass

During one of our many, many trips to the fabulous park near my parents' house; he looks like a miniature striped train conductor here

Helping his abuela unload/reload/misload the dishwasher, an oft-repeated activity (my mother's patience is lovingly immense!)

A perfect activity for this new and enthusiastic walker (oh, those legs!)...

...with the perfect companion. (I love this picture.)

Aunt Julie and Uncle Matthew in the house, a treat for all of us--Mateo, especially-- and a look into the future as this lovely couple is now expecting a little one of their own
An interview at Beth Isreal Medical Center in NY was the perfect justification for sneaking in a 10-day visit with Papá.
Such a happy arrival for all of us!

One of many tender scenes with these two

Exhibit B: Coming home from morning mass together

This may have been the start of this child's extreme appreciation for bubbles (think trembling excitement, shrieking, dancing...).

The pool man with his beloved Swiffer, taking his jobs quite seriously

Backyard buddies

(Be still my heart.)

Poolside lunch, a string of happy days

A short break for outside exploring during mass
Lingering outside of church