We shared the first days of July in Virginia with Bernardo, before his return to Spain. Then, Gram, Mateo and I headed to Manitowoc, Wisconsin for the 4th of July in cousin heaven before I returned to NY for my sub-internship in the neonatal intensive care unit.
(Won't you stay this age forever?)
An afternoon walking in and outside of Union Station before Papá left Washington
A flight of play en route to Manitowoc
Afternoon light and all the in-flight entertainment we will ever need
Cousin bliss for Mimi, Mateo and Lola; one very happy mama and aunt
Mimi does wondrous things.
Katie and I with our happy brood on the new front porch; two generations of cousin heaven.
Fourth of July
The first of three 1st birthday celebrations, this one for his mama's sake
A most joyous visit from Juanny, de facto grandmother extraordinaire! (Mateo is seen here clothed in her handiwork.)
Blessed, too, by a summer barbecue in the good company of my high school English teacher and dear friend, Dave Sharrett, and his lovely wife, Vicki, up for a visit from Central VA
My wonderful maternal grandfather, Bomps, passed away in late July, and his siblings, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren gathered in Manitowoc to celebrate him. I was unable to go, but was transported there through the generosity of my sister and Aunt Sarah, who sent me a handful of pictures each day. I am quite sure that Bomps was smiling in heaven at the sight of four generations of loved ones reunited in his honor.

Telling Bomps stories
Happiness is.
Rumbling up and down the driveway with his cousins
a beautiful shot of abuelo and grandson
The photographer-sister herself, carrying sweet Adeline inside her
Mom/Gram, looking especially like her own mother/my Gram (and Bomps' beautiful wife)
Snips and snails and puppy dog tails...
How am I supposed to selectively comment on all these beautiful photographic inputs??!?! Too much. For this string, I will just say that I was struck by your lovingly competent Mommy hand on the swing as you push Mateo, and thinking that in two days that hand becomes a doctor hand who will ease many a strangers' pain. You are quite the woman, my friend.
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