He is a portrait of roundness! Oh dear, and yet he is also beginning to look so old, this "one-shoe bear" of ours.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Rounding out April
Monday, April 20, 2009
Crib Dancing
Friday, April 17, 2009
April continues to shower us with loved ones
B, José and Mateo in the port of Gijón
Looking over the Cantabrian Sea from a Spanish Civil War bunker in Gijón
one of many warm meals
Mateo awakes
Along San Lorenzo beach, the beautiful church of St. Peter in the background
José and Mateo play in the wake of an afternoon rain shower, Oviedo
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sweet Goodbyes
Padrino will see this cutie pie in the summer when she returns to Asturias and before he heads to the States, but Mateo and I have to sadly wait until Christmas for our next reunion.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Holy Week
We had Maria, Francisco and Mercedes in town for Holy Week, all great cause for celebration in this household. Big, warm meals and a cousin and godparent lovefest every day!
Three cheers for the chef! We got close over this stunning paella prepared by padrino (Berni). I cannot get over how old Mercedes looks here!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Three Years Ago
What a blessing to have found each other. This happiness has only grown since that beautiful April day in Oviedo, in the presence and prayers of our families, the love of our loved ones, the birth of happy inklings of Alma and Mateo and those little ones still to come. Some gifts are too great to even fully comprehend.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Leader Girls Unite: Grand Finale
So, we were driving out towards the coast with the idea of spending my mom and sister's last day with us there, but took a spontaneous detour off the highway to stop and say hello to Roberto, our dear friend and the director of the music conservatory where Bernardo teaches. Spontaneous detours are almost always brilliant. This one, of course, turned into the most beautiful, extended afternoon and meal in Roberto's home and breathtaking backyard...The view from Roberto's yard
Having just arrived, sweet father and son shot
It doesn't take long for this one to get warmed up.
Happily passed from one to another, here with Aunt Fitzie
In the backyard, under the grapevines, watching the neighborhood goats feed
Good company, beautiful surroundings and Lula, Guinness' Spanish soulmate
Friday, April 3, 2009
Leader Girls Unite: Mid-week
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Leader Girls Unite: First Days
The only thing that could have possibly made this reunion more exciting than anticipated was the revelation, upon her arrival, that Elizabeth is pregnant. Hallelujah! There is new life among us! October 2010 (oops--2009) holds great promise for this extended family. While this news really took the cake when sister and mom got to Spain, here are a collection of pictures detailing how the rest of our days together in Asturias were not half-bad either:In the park in Oviedo, milestones for everyone: Elizabeth beautifully pregnant and Mateo sniffling as his first tooth breaks through his poor little gums.
"Is this good, Aunt Fitzie?"
Concentrating hard with Gram
With mom
Her body may be presently directing its greatest resources to creating the baby inside of her, but that girl can still snap the shutter! (All that to say that the following beautiful shots of Oviedo are courtesy of Aunt Fitzie.)