Morning view of the street from our dining room

...and raising our eyes to the hills
Our afternoon in Gijón:
Gram and Mateo's café tenderness

Elizabeth's very appropriate response to a first trimester craving

Mateo's very first cookie, courtesy of the older woman sitting next to us at the café

His face upon finishing his very first cookie!

Walking along the port...

...and walking along the ocean

Walking back and forth...

...back and forth, in the park overlooking Gijón and the Cantabric Sea

Life doesn't get any better than this.

happiness in the waning light

Clothes dry and we walk down the hill to head back home.
I am glad that Elizabeth's visit had the dual effect of you guys getting to see eachother and the rest of us getting to see more of Mieres. How nice to see the town through fresh eyes who can appreciate its little intricacies.
In other news, if I had been there I would have fought your prego sister for that choco-waffle and won. Your short hair is beyond adorab-sass and your last caption is very "Ann". You know what I mean. I despise when people include inside jokes on blog comments, but I couldn't resist on the laundry observance.
More enchanting photos! This blog gives me such a boost. Family life in Spain looks serene. How is Mateo faring after his first cookie? Has he asked for a second?
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