The only thing that could have possibly made this reunion more exciting than anticipated was the revelation, upon her arrival, that Elizabeth is pregnant. Hallelujah! There is new life among us! October 2010 (oops--2009) holds great promise for this extended family. While this news really took the cake when sister and mom got to Spain, here are a collection of pictures detailing how the rest of our days together in Asturias were not half-bad either:In the park in Oviedo, milestones for everyone: Elizabeth beautifully pregnant and Mateo sniffling as his first tooth breaks through his poor little gums.
"Is this good, Aunt Fitzie?"
Concentrating hard with Gram
With mom
Her body may be presently directing its greatest resources to creating the baby inside of her, but that girl can still snap the shutter! (All that to say that the following beautiful shots of Oviedo are courtesy of Aunt Fitzie.)

I am so happy for Elizabeth, it is just too bad that she is going to have to endure 92 weeks of pregnancy instead of the typical 40! You should publish that in a medical journal of some sort, you Music-Maker MD.
What, you never knew that me sister is part-elephant? (the gynecological part, that is). Ha ha. I stand humbly corrected. My future niece/nephew is, indeed, due to arrive in October 2009! I am usually unable to even tell the day of the week when asked, so tagging on an extra 12 months to the baby's gestational period does not surprise me at all.
By the way, AWOL, I am on to you. The *only* reason you caught my date mix-up is that you are currently counting down the blessed days until *your* sweet babe is born in the fall of 2009. Otherwise, you would be as oblivious as your college roomie.
In the world of sibling rivalry, is a 92 week gestation the win, or the loss? 40 weeks? FA! I can handle nearly 2 years worth!
Mateo, once again you appear the detatched figure of reason.
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